Project Info
Project Description
01/2022 UPDATE: VITAL is actively seeking funding for this project. The Delegate to Congress has introduced a bill to have St. Croix identified as a National Historical Area. If this designation is achieved funding is available for projects such as this. In the meantime we are seeking funding from other sources.
Update: On August 31st. 2019 a collaborative grant has been submitted for the Revitalization and Enhancement of the Scenic Road from the “Partners for Places” grant opportunity with the assistance of Sophia Lee, FEMA Recovery grant writing assistance. If successful this grant will provide $100,000 over 2 years to meet the project needs. CFVI has most graciously offered to provide the 1:1 match required for this project if it is selected. This support will increase the working budget to $200,000 over the two years. Grant selection will be known by November 2019.
This grant was unsuccessful. One of the reasons being that, Frederiksted does not have a Major and Town Council. The funding was directed to stimulate their active participation in the process.
This proposed project segment would improve the dirt road surface along the 14-mile Scenic Road for pedestrian use, connecting the Historic Town of Frederiksted to the North Shore Road. Vantage points would be opened to expose the magnificent elevated views. This segment will showcase Historical Sites and special places, encourage access to the NPS Columbus landing, as well as providing access to the Islands unique natural environment. The trail will enhance the eco-tourism product, increase foot traffic in the Historical Town and connect people to places and encourage active life styles for residents.
This project requires the clearing of abandoned vehicles, brushing and clearing of trees blocking the route, the use of heavy equipment to repair the route at washout sites, the addition of gravel to improve road surface in low laying wet locations, the enhancement of look-out sites (approx. 10 locations), the instillation of boulder seating for rest areas and picnic sites, the installation of signage for distance, water locations, points of interest, historical significance with maps and the instillation of large signage at the entrance and exit of the trail section. Funding would also be required for a trail map, advertising through the Department of Tourism and the creation of a trail video as an advertising tool. A maintenance plan will need to be set up for this project with community partners and the Department of Public Works. This trail runs along the allotted Scenic Road Federal Highway route 78. VITAL and partners will look to create trail sections away from the road allowance in the event that the Federal Road becomes a paved surface as per DPW future plans. This same area has multiple dirt trails that can later be joined to the pathway segment.
The Scenic Road Revitalization and Enhancement Project – In partnership with the DPW, the Dept. of Agriculture, CHANT, SUCCEED, Dept. of Tourism, Dept. of Health, NPS, Clean Sweep Fredriksted, Hiking and Biking Federations and community.