Our vision is to create, design and build multi-modal pathways
with residents, government and community leaders across the
island of St. Croix and the territory for people of all ages and abilities.


Pedestrian-supported multi-use paths connect people and places while promoting healthy daily lifestyles and quality of life.


Nature trails support and promote walking, biking and running, encourage eco-tourism, enhance well-being and encourage social engagement.


Public spaces support life events, promote nature stewardship, showcase diverse foliage and history and promote healthy interactions.


The Virgin Islands Trail Alliance Corporation (VITAL) is a non-profit organization in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, for the purpose of creating multi-use pathways across the island of St. Croix and expanding throughout the territory for the benefit of the people of the Virgin Islands. More specifically, VITAL was created to identify, plan, develop, build and manage (in some cases) a system of interconnecting multi-use pathways, green spaces, parks, walking paths, and biking trails in the Virgin Islands.

In the territory, safe walking and biking trails are limited, inconvenient, disconnected, and are not conducive to daily living and recreation. In addition, the roads and traffic patterns do not support a pedestrian friendly environment. Building multi-use pathways will create new opportunities and add unique value to the territory by enhancing the territory’s infrastructure and connecting people to services, daily living, and recreation.

VITAL is a leader in this venture in the Territory. VITAL has gathered all trail builders, enthusiasts and organizations together. Community engagement is the key to the success of the multi-use pathway project because the community is the largest stakeholder. Proper construction, taking into consideration population density, traffic calming, road diets, parking, a community plan, protecting native species, and revitalization without displacement are VITAL’s primary concerns. VITAL’s progress depends on how quickly we can obtain funding.

Aaron Hutchins
Island life in the Caribbean brings us close to nature. We often see the beauty of our islands during our daily adventures. Getting closer to and more deeply experiencing the beauty and rich heritage of our land for fun, health, relaxation, education, eco-tourism or simply improved convenience of moving from one place to another compel the VI Trail Alliance to enhance access, quality, availability and appreciation of trails and pathways throughout our islands.

The VI Trail Alliance makes trails and pathways to improve the experience of our islands.

Alma Winkfield
Vice President
Each of us has a roll to play to improve the quality of life and safety of our Islands. It is when we get involved, make a commitment and stay the course that we will see this change. No one can do it better than us. We know what we need. Get involved and together we will build this pedestrian supported infrastructure that will improve the quality of life for all, whether you are a small child, an elder, a person with limited abilities or an athlete. Let’s enjoy nature daily in a convenient, safe, beautiful environment with a new network of trails, pathways and parks that support the needs of all users and their visitors. I am committed to building this infrastructure and believe the need has never been greater to promote healthy lifestyles, fun, relaxation, education, ecotourism, history, culture and economic innovative development for years to come.

I urge you to join us while we push forward. Let us end the things that isolate us and build on the things that make us great. Share your ideas and give positive reinforcement. Participate, donate and find joy in our successes.

Our Board

Our Projects

More Projects

2021 NPS Challenge Cost Share Grant

01/2022 UPDATE:  This project will be opened at the end of January 2022. The Salt River Trail Head has been cleared and picnic tables will be installed along with historical signage.  As an added interest,...
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Complete Streets Legislation

Governor Bryan signed the Complete Streets Act into Legislation for the VI.  The VI Trail Alliance is working with AARP and the Walkability Institute of the VI to set up the Complete Streets Task Force....
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Christiansted Bypass Bike Lanes

The Virgin Islands Trail Alliance is working to build multi-use pathways, primitive trails and parks across St. Croix and the Territory.  This work is being done with community collaboration with government, local leaders and residents. ...
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of street length has
No Sidewalk


of street length has
No Lighting


of street length has
No Walkable Destinations
Operational & Planning

VITAL is a non-profit that relies on Volunteers. We do not have paid Staff or Office Space. Despite these cost saving measures funding is needed to advance the extensive projects for office supplies, advertising, community engagement needs, media, low cost early action demonstrations to test plans and surveys, legal assistance, tax obligations and event planning.

Your dollars will fund VITAL work to plan and build high quality, durable and resilient multi-use pedestrian supported infrastructure to meet present and future needs.

Endowment Fund
When the pathway system has been built and maintained the Endowment Fund will ensure that when unexpected downturns or disasters occur VITAL will be able to preserve and enhance the system for future generational needs. Your donation will ensure that the pathways and parks remain clean, safe and inviting to all users.

Make Donation

Help break the isolation

Pathways will change the way people move and interact on the Island. They will provide the foundation to all people regardless of their age or ability and improve quality of life, provide new entrepreneurial and innovative job opportunities, break social isolation, expand resident expectations and enhance visitor experiences.

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