VITAL Receives Revive Award for CONCEPT PLAN


VITAL Receives Revive Award for CONCEPT PLAN

The VITAL concept plan was chosen by the Prior Family Foundation and the Miami University for an award recognizing the strength of the Project Plans as an Economic Driver for the Territory and a Pedestrian Infrastructure project that would support entrepreneurial and innovative business.


The University of Miami & The Pryor Family Foundation would like to thank you for participating in the first ReVIve economic impact business plan competition.  Your entry Virgin Islands Trail Alliance offered an excellent plan to improve the economic recovery of the US Virgin Islands following the devastating 2017 hurricane season.

We are pleased to inform you that your entry for Virgin Islands trail Alliance was awarded 2nd Place and that comes with a cash prize of $7,500.  We hope that this amount donated by the Pryor Family Foundation will help you in advancing your project and help the USVI economy prosper.

You are donating to : Virgin Islands Trail Alliance

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