
Design Phase


Northside Road

UPDATE: Vital has been working with the Department of Public Works Design Team on this road segment, and has submitted a proposal...
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Centerline Road

UPDATE:  VITAL in partnership with the DPW has submitted a funding request from the HFA for unmet needs along this roadway.  If...
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Frederiksted to Scenic Road Entrance

UPDATE:  VITAL in partnership with the DPW has submitted a request to the HFA for funding to meet unmet needs along this...
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Gallows Bay Pathway

UPDATE:  VITAL has applied to the HFA for funding to meet unmet needs along this route.  If successful the funding would provide possible...
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Spring Gut Road Federal Highway & Separate Multi-use Path

This project is a 2.1-mile Federal Road Project that extends from the East End Road at the Canegata Ball Park to the...
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14-Mile South Shore Multi-Use Pathway

This project has been designed to extend from Estate Humbug to Point Udall and is on the DPW approved priority projects for...
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